
Showing posts from June, 2021


     You, me and every human fall under to any aspect of the family life cycle. The family life cycle is the various stages that people go through from the birth to old age. In every stage of the family life cycle the needs, buying behavior, attitudes and responsibilities get change. The time period of each stage will differ from person to person. In each stage the main consumer will varies, as an example in the bachelor stage the single person will be the main consumer while the child will be the main consumer in the stage where the young married couple is with children. The aspects of the family life cycle are given below, 1.    The bachelor stage – young and single. 2. The newly married couples – young, no children. 3. Full nest 1 – young, married, with child. 4. Full nest 2 – older, married, with children. 5  Full nest 3 – older, married, with dependent children. 6. Empty nest – older, married, with no children living with them. 7. Solitary – older, single, retire


  When a baby comes to the mother’s womb, he/she belongs to a culture, but we can’t have an ensuarity the culture that the baby belongs will be the same culture when he/she grows younger. Simply culture is a set of behaviors, life patterns, beliefs that are been passed from generation to generation. The factors such as gender, language, and physical charteristics are more visible in culture but the facts such as personal beliefs, values, skills, thought patterns and life experience are some hidden factors that are not been highlighted in culture.                                       Sri Lanka has main cultures such as Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and Burghers. Out of those based on geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral factors there are variety of sub cultures. The culture will affect to the consumer behavior directly or indirectly in selecting, evaluating, purchasing and consuming products and services.   Considering on the modern world Dipped Products PLC has recognize


Dipped Products PLC          It is a world leader in protective hand wear with global reputation and innovations .They have a product range of 300 variants which go across 70 countries. They operate 7 household and industrial glove manufacturing facilities in Sri Lanka and medical glove manufacturing in Thailand . They provide industrial, household ,medical gloves ad industrial sleeves. They have their main contribution in providing their products for private labeling. SHADOW LEADER DICSUSSIONS WITH THE COMPANY First Session Date - 4th of June 2021 Time - 9.00 am to 12.00 pm Venue - Zoom  Resource Person - Ms.Vasana Wanigasekara Topic - Introduction to the company , culture and consumer  behavior. Knowledge that I gained Depth introduction about Dipped Products PLC. How they have differentiate their products based on the culture. How the culture affects the consumer behavior. Trending aspects in international culture. What are the strategies that the company implements to make the perf