Dipped Products PLC

         It is a world leader in protective hand wear with global reputation and innovations .They have a product range of 300 variants which go across 70 countries. They operate 7 household and industrial glove manufacturing facilities in Sri Lanka and medical glove manufacturing in Thailand . They provide industrial, household ,medical gloves ad industrial sleeves. They have their main contribution in providing their products for private labeling.

  • First Session
Date - 4th of June 2021
Time - 9.00 am to 12.00 pm
Venue - Zoom 
Resource Person - Ms.Vasana Wanigasekara
Topic - Introduction to the company , culture and consumer behavior.

Knowledge that I gained
  • Depth introduction about Dipped Products PLC.
  • How they have differentiate their products based on the culture.
  • How the culture affects the consumer behavior.
  • Trending aspects in international culture.
  • What are the strategies that the company implements to make the performance in planet, people, profit in effectively.  
  • The things that should do to be successful in the future career. 
  • Second Session
Date - 9th of June 2021
Venue - Zoom
Resource Person - Mr.Rukshan Cooray
                              Topic - Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
                              Time - 9.00 am to 10.00 am

                               Ms.Patali Nonis
                               Topic - Overview on Business Environment
                               Time - 10.15 am to 12.00 pm

Knowledge that I gained
  • About the strategies the company is implementing to make their customers satisfied and to remain their loyal customers.
  • Models for customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Different measurements that the company is using to measure the customer satisfaction.
  • How a business could effectively have a study about their customers.
  • Strategies to have the competitive advantage.
  • What are the skills that we need to develop as undergraduates.

  • Third  Session
Date - 16th of June 2021
Venue - Zoom
Resource Person - Mr. Damián Thomas
                              Topic - International Marketing Management
                              Time - 9.00 am to 10.00 am

                               Ms.Saranika Kumararatna
                               Topic - Negotiations for decision makers
                               Time - 10.15 am to 12.00 pm

Knowledge that I gained
  • How to segment customers based on the international market.
  • How to have different pricing and distribution strategies related to the international market.
  • How to be competitive in the corporate world.
  • What are the steps that need to follow to have an effective win-win negotiation.
  • The qualities that an employee should have to grow his/her career.
  • How to make us a needy to the organization.
At last I would like to thank Ms.Sarasi Senadheera  the module owner , Ms.Vasana Wanigasekara and other resource persons from Dipped Products PLC for giving their full contribution and enhancing our practical knowledge in the business world. 


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