You, me and every human fall under to any aspect of the family life cycle. The family life cycle is the various stages that people go through from the birth to old age. In every stage of the family life cycle the needs, buying behavior, attitudes and responsibilities get change. The time period of each stage will differ from person to person. In each stage the main consumer will varies, as an example in the bachelor stage the single person will be the main consumer while the child will be the main consumer in the stage where the young married couple is with children.

The aspects of the family life cycle are given below,

1.  The bachelor stage – young and single.

2.The newly married couples – young, no children.

3.Full nest 1 – young, married, with child.

4.Full nest 2 – older, married, with children.

Full nest 3 – older, married, with dependent children.

6.Empty nest – older, married, with no children living with them.

7.Solitary – older, single, retired people.

From the below mentioned description you can have a clear idea on how the stages of family life cycle will impact to the consumer behavior in the ‘Food & Beverage Industry’.

1. The bachelor stage – young and single.

                                                               In this stage the young singles would not have much income and will not spend on expensive goods. They will consume from fast food restaurants/ street foods as well as if they are engaging in sports, they will consume the products which increase their muscle growing and immunization. Not only that they will consume alcoholic beverages, carbonated soft drinks and more sweet drinks.

The brands such as McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Red bull, Carlsberg, Preema Kottumee, Sprite, Marlboro plays their roles in this stage.

2. The newly married couples – young, no children.

                                                        Newly married couples without children will have a better income than they were single, because they get income from two ways. In this stage they will move to some of the expensive foods and they will have an intend to try new food and beverages arrivals in the market.

Some of the brands like Baskin’s Robbins, Ben and Jerry’s, Johnnie Walker, Barista, Bakes by Bella are used by them.

3. Full nest 1 – young, married, with child.

                                                       With the arrival of their first child the income of them gets decline. In this stage the consumer moves away from fancy foods and beverages and they morely concern on food and beverages which are more with quality, healthy and which gives more nutrients for their child and for the breast-feeding mom.

The brands such as Nestle Ceregrow, Anchor Pedia Pro and Anchor Pedia Pro Mama, Cow and Gate baby rice and fresh fruits are been consumed more on this stage.


4.Full nest 2 – older, married, with children.

                                                     In this stage there is an increase in the income level of the family. With their busy life, with the increase of duties and responsibilities they consider on fast foods, RTD beverages (Ready To Drink) and the food items which can be prepared within a smaller time.

The brands like marina Coconut milk powder, Jam products, Maggi instant noodles, Munchee/ Maliban biscuits, Anchor full cream milk powder are been used by them.

5.Full nest 3 – older, married, with dependent children.

                                                                In this stage they will consume some expensive food items and the products which can be used as family basis.

MDK string hopper and hopper flour, Prima catering sausages and they will move from powdered milk to fresh milk in their consumption.


6. Empty nest – older, married, with no children living with them.

                                                            In this stage they have a good level of income and they spend on luxury products and good quality food and beverage products.

Brands like Sustagen, Tropicana and the organic food and 100 % natural drinks are consumed in this stage.


7.Solitary – older, single, retired people.

                                                                      In this stage they mainly consider about the food and beverages with low sugar and fat as well foods which gives a nutritional value for them.

Products such as Munchee brand cracker, Kurakkan cracker, Opti fast, Sustacal, Rescue diabetic, Anlene are been morely consumed by them.

                                                                        As marketers they should identify how the family life cycle affects to the consumer behavior and they should come with products to the stage which they can make profits as well which they can retain for a long time.


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