When a baby comes to the mother’s womb, he/she belongs to a culture, but we can’t have an ensuarity the culture that the baby belongs will be the same culture when he/she grows younger. Simply culture is a set of behaviors, life patterns, beliefs that are been passed from generation to generation. The factors such as gender, language, and physical charteristics are more visible in culture but the facts such as personal beliefs, values, skills, thought patterns and life experience are some hidden factors that are not been highlighted in culture.                                  

  Sri Lanka has main cultures such as Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and Burghers. Out of those based on geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral factors there are variety of sub cultures. The culture will affect to the consumer behavior directly or indirectly in selecting, evaluating, purchasing and consuming products and services.

 Considering on the modern world Dipped Products PLC has recognized that there is an emerging culture of eco-friendly products. As an international brand they came up with an eco-friendly gloves range known as ‘Xtralite Prime Range’ which is been manufactured with waste plastic bottles. When moving to different countries the company identified their cultural patterns and they have positioned and available their products considering on price, quality and benefit.

Considering on Sri Lanka based on the culture that the girls who are with urban culture is interested on wearing clothes with more trendy designs and going parties on night is not a barrier for them. When considering on the girls in rural areas due to their cultural background they are more with simple clothes, going on parties in night will be a barrier from their culture and they are not much to fast foods and fancy items.

By understanding the cultural influence for consumer behavior, marketers have come up with different strategies to match their products/ services to that specific cultural diversity.



By understanding consumer behavioral changes McDonald’s has came up with different types of special menus to match to the main and sub culture of that specific country.

·  Sri Lanka – By understanding the behavioral patterns of Sri Lankans they have come with Seeni Sambal burger for breakfast and because most of the Sri Lankans eat rice, they have MC rice and most of their product range is with spicy.

·   India – Rather than having big mac in India they have introduce Veg Maharaj and most of their menus are based on vegetarian.


 Hawaii – To match to their regional culture they have came up with a regional dish called ‘Lalec Delux Breakfast Platter’

China – They have come with Congee which is based on boiled rice with lot of water.

Pizza Hut

In here because most of the Sri Lankans are with spicy foods, they have come up with a new product called ‘Chicken Sausage Meat with Nai Miris’ which is blend with kotchi chicken sausage meat.

  Based on the personal beliefs of the Sri Lankans joining with their culture, to buy cheap products in an average quality they buy Chinese products, to buy products with high quality they prefer products from Germany and America. When buying sarees, they mostly preferred India as the best country and they prefer Italy and Germany in buying better electric items. If the diary products come from New Zealand Sri Lankans are more into buying them.

 Marketers and brands should identify the impact of culture to the consumer behavior and they should come with different product portfolios to match to them which are measurable, achievable and profitable to the company.     



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